London Recital

Emanuele will make his Solo Debut in London on next 18th March in the exclusive Rosenfeld Porcini Gallery, with a fascinating program featuring works by Brahms, Sciarrino and Castiglioni. The core of the evening will be the Piano music by Alexander von Zemlinsky, whom Emanuele devoted his last CD, “A Ray of Light”, which won great critical acclaim since its release on last December.
Anthony Beaumont, well-known musicologist and author of Zemlinsky’s most extensive Biography, wrote: “I much appreciate Torquati’s feel for Viennese rubato and for the ‘great gesture’ of Zemlinsky’s early compositions, but also his sense of humour, his delightfully dry staccato, which is essential in some of these works. This is the third CD of Zemlinsky’s piano music to come my way — and by far the most enjoyable It is a pleasure to hear them so well and idiomatically played, and so well recorded”.

Listen to some Zemlinsky HERE!
