The Trio, active since some years, formed by outstanding flutist Manuel Zurria, and Duo Dillon-Torquati will give two concerts in Rome during next December, at 54th Edition of Nuova Consonanza Festival and for the 2017/2018 Season of prestigious Accademia Filarmonica Romana.
Two different projects are on the menu: on 1st December at MACRO Museum (9 pm), the musical selection will include New Music written by French and Italian composers, such as Francesco Filidei, Christophe Bertrand, Yan Maresz, Règis Campo; on 13th December at Sala Casella (8,30 pm), a new performance of “Intimate Letters: Hommage to Gyorgy Kurtàg” will be given, with repertoire ranging from Bach to Hosokawa.