23th January: Radio Broadcast on Swiss Radio SFR Kultur, music for piano solo by F. Filidei
21st February: Duo Recital with F. Dillon, music by L. van Beethoven, A. Zemlinsky, J. Brahms, C. Debussy
25th March: Trio Concert with G. Montaruli (cello) and F. Piccotti (violin), music by G. F. Malipiero and J. Brahms – Accademia dei Cameristi – Bari
26th March: Trio Concert with G. Montaruli (cello) and F. Piccotti (violin), music by G. F. Malipiero and J. Brahms – Accademia dei Cameristi – Fasano
9th May: Trio Concert with G. Montaruli (cello) and F. Piccotti (violin), music by G. F. Malipiero and J. Brahms – Italian Institute of Culture Krakow (Poland)
10th May: Trio Concert with G. Montaruli (cello) and F. Piccotti (violin), music by G. F. Malipiero and J. Brahms – Italian Institute of Culture Warsaw (Poland)
16th May: Radio Broadcast on RADIO3, Imaginary Bridges Project
18th May: Solo Recital “Imaginary Bridges”, music by L. Francesconi, S. Borzelli, M.C. Villanueva, M. Kagel, K. Moore - PAC Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea Milan – PIANOCITY MILANO
7th-8th June: “Opera della Notte” with F. Dillon, M. Zurria, music by M. Pagliarani – 10th Edition of Music@VillaRomana Florence
24th July: Solo Recital “Zen Garden”, music by E. Casale, F. Filidei (Italian Premiere), L. Francesconi, S. Borzelli, T. Hosokawa (Italian Premiere Etudes n. 4 and n. 6) – Museo del Novecento, Festival Firenze Suona Contemporanea, Florence
2nd September: Recording session with S. Beneventi, percussion – music by G. Verlingieri
13th-15th September: “Echoic Memories” by K. Devaux – Pocket Opera with M. Zurria, F. Dillon, F. Platoni, M. Marelli, Quartetto Maurice. – 10th Edition of Music@Villaromana Florence
10th October: Beethoven Complete Sonatas and Variations for cello and piano, plus a world premiere by H. Winkelman – with F. Dillon at Italian Academy Columbia University New York (USA)
11th October: Beethoven Complete Sonatas and Variations for cello and piano, plus a world premiere by D. Terranova -with F. Dillon at Italian Academy Columbia University New York (USA)
12th October: Beethoven Complete Sonatas and Variations for cello and piano, plus a world premiere by A. Fuentes - with F. Dillon at Italian Academy Columbia University New York (USA)
30th-31st October: Masterclass on G. Kurtàg’s Piano Music – Sala dei Concerti “G. Mosca” del Conservatorio “G. F. Ghedini” di Cuneo
8th November: Duo Recital with F. Dillon, music by C. Debussy, H. Villa Lobos, A. Fuentes (Italian Premiere), M.C. Villanueva, J.M. Sanchez Verdù – Accademia Reale di Spagna a Roma
12th November: Solo Recital “L’Anima e La Danza”, music by F. Couperin, N. Castiglioni, F. Filidei, M. Ravel – Gallerie d’Italia, Festival MILANO MUSICA, Milan
19th November: Solo Recital “Musica: Respiro delle Statue”, music by M. Feldman, L. Berio, E. Satie, K. Szymanovski – Gallerie d’Italia, Festival MILANO MUSICA, Milan
3rd December: Doppio Concerto for cello, piano and orchestra “Infinito”, by A. Fuentes – World Premiere, with F. Dillon, Orchestra Haydn and J. Axelrod, conductor – Trento
4th December: Doppio Concerto for cello, piano and orchestra “Infinito”, by A. Fuentes – World Premiere, with F. Dillon, Orchestra Haydn and J. Axelrod, conductor – Bolzano
8th-12th December: Artist In Residence with F. Dillon – Amici della Musica di Ancona
11th December: Duo Concert, music by R. Schumann and L. Troiani – Amici della Musica di Ancona
12th December: Duo Concert music by R. Schumann and L. Troiani – Amici della Musica di Ancona
14th December: “Labirinto Schumann” with F. Dillon, music by R. Schumann – “Festival Orizzonti”, Amici della Musica di Perugia
20th December: Solos and Duos by G. Benjamin, G. Verlingieri, D. Terranova, L. Troiani, Festival “Dialoghi sul Comporre”-Teatro della Cavallerizza, Reggio Emilia