7th – 9th January: Solo Recording “L’Anima e La Danza”
26th March: “L’Anima e la Danza” – music by F. Busoni, M. Ravel, N. Castiglioni, G. Benjamin – LIVE @ Radio3Suite
1st June: Solo Recital – music by M. Ravel, G. Benjamin, A. Copland, C. Griffes, D. Lang – Casa della Musica di Parma, Festival Traiettorie
26th June: Duo Recital with F. Dillon, music by G. Scelsi, C. Debussy, Jacob TV – Forlì Open Music Festival
27th June: Solo Recital – music by A. Copland, G. Benjamin, J. Cage, D. Lang – 10th Edition Piano City Milan
29th June: Duo Recital with F. Dillon, “Distant voices, still lives” – Italian Cultural Institute Vienna (Austria)
27th July: Chamber Music with S. Mazzon, viola – Festival dei Pianisti Italiani – Chiostri di San Pietro, Reggio Emilia
27th August: Solo Recital – “L’Anima e la Danza” – Bari Piano Festival
12th September: Duo Recital with F. Dillon, “Distant voices, still lives” MART – Società Filarmonica di Rovereto
20th September: Piano Trios by R. Schumann, F. Filidei, A. Zemlinsky – Teatro Sociale Fasano, Accademia dei Cameristi
21st September: Piano Trios by R. Schumann, F. Filidei, A. Zemlinsky – Auditorium della Vallisa, Accademia dei Cameristi
4th October: T. Larcher Concerto “Ouroboros”, with F. Dillon, M. Fera and Orchestra Haydn di Trento e Bolzano, Merano
11th October: Duo Recital with F. Dillon, “Distant voices, still lives” – Teatro Palladium, Roma
14th October: Solo Recital – “L’Anima e la Danza” – Italian Cultural Institute Copenaghen (Denmark)
15th October: Solo Recital – music by F. Filidei, R. Sargenti (WP), S. Corti (WP), N. Castiglioni – IAC, Malmoe (Sweden)
25th October: Radio Broadcast and Interview on “L’Anima e la Danza”, music by F. Couperin, M. Ravel, G. Benjamin – Radio3 Suite Roma
5th November: Radio Broadcast and Interview on “L’Anima e la Danza”, music by N. Castiglioni, F. Chopin, F. Filidei – RSI Rete 2 Radio Svizzera Italiana
10th November: Liederabend with M. Radoeva, music by R. Wagner and R. Strauss – Teatro Verdi Pordenone
22th November: Lecture-Recital on M. Etkin’s Piano Music – VI International Piano Contemporary Conference Argentina
24th December: Radio Broadcast and Interview on “L’Anima e la Danza”, Primo Movimento – Radio3 Roma