Ciaikovsky Tale – Distant voices, Still lives – TRANSIT

distant_voices_still_lives3Emanuele Torquati will perform 3 different projects on May-June. The first is Ciaikovsky Tale, with narrator Luca Scarlini, which was premiered at MITO Settembremusica last year, with dates on 5th May and on 5th June at Festival Le corde dell’anima. The second one is DISTANT VOICES, STILL LIVES with cellist Francesco Dillon, a wide selection of Songs without words from both Romantic repertoire and New Music, a.o. Sciarrino, Lachenmann and Walter Zimmermann. This new project will be presented on 18th May at Trento State Conservatory and on 6th June at Traiettorie Festival in Parma. Listen to Mendelssohn’s Song without words op. 38 n. 3
Last but not least is TRANSIT, a Solo New Music Recital which includes pieces written for Emanuele Torquati and premiered by him, a.o. Michel Van der Aa Transit for piano, electronics and video projection. Planned performances are on 19th May at Venice State Conservatory and on 21st June at Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart.

2011 – WHAT’S NEXT

52_villamassimo_roma_04-11-2010_phpierangelolaterzaBrilliant classics has just released the new double CD with Schumann rarities performed by Duo Dillon-Torquati. The album has already been broadcasted on several EU radios, a.o. BBC Radio3, Swiss RSI, RTE Lyric, RAI Radio3 and it will be CD of the Week on Irish RTE Lyric from 24th January. Furthermore, it will be officially presented in Milan on next 8th february 7 pm at the Gallery of Modern Art. It is available online on Amazon. Read reviews here.


Torquati’s upcoming engagements include  New York Recital (31st March), at the Bohemian National Hall with his Janacek project, as well in Boston, at Longy School and Boston University  (4th and 5th April) and in Heidelberg, for the Heidelberger Fruehling (10th-17th April).

Torquati will give the WP of several works especially written for him, a.o. Arturas Bumsteinas new work for piano and electronics (5th March at Area Sismica), Ryan Carter (12th April at Heidelberger Fruehling), and Régis Campo “Sounding” for cello and piano.

Paris Recital + Janacek Video Release

Emanuele Torquati will give his Solo Debut in Paris on 9th November 8 pm at Czech Centre with his project “Intimate Sketches – Visions on Leos Janacek”, premiered in February in San Francisco.
This European premiere will be followed by several performances in Italy, namely in Venice, Udine and Treviso.
A full-length video of the project is available on

Emanuele Torquati terrà il suo debutto solistico parigino il prossimo 9 novembre alle 20 presso il Centre Culturel Tcheque, con il progetto “Intimate Sketches – Visions on Leos Janacek”, inaugurato lo scorso febbraio a San Francisco.
Il concerto verrà replicato nel tour italiano, con date a Venezia, Udine e Treviso.
Sul sito è ora disponibile il video completo del progetto.

Schumann CD Release at Quirinale

cover-schumannDuo Dillon-Torquati‘s new double Schumann CD released by BRILLIANT is now available and it will be officially presented at Quirinale, home of the Republic’s President on Sunday 24th October. The concert will be broadcasted by EURORADIO and streamed online and the program features music by Schumann, Liszt and Bartok. Schumann and the cello: we may think of the fine, late and rhapsodic Cello Concerto, or the lighter Stücke im Volkston, much beloved of cello students this past century and a half. But here is something different: songs, piano works — including the complete Kinderszenen cycle — and the Second Violin Sonata, all arranged for cello and piano. READ MORE BUY AT AMAZON.COM


Il nuovo doppio CD Schumann del Duo Dillon-Torquati per la BRILLIANT è ora disponibile e verrà presentato ufficialmente al Quirinale domenica 24 ottobre alle ore 12. Il concerto sarà trasmesso su Radio3 da EURORADIO e il programma comprenderà musiche di Schumann, Liszt e Bartok. Il disco sarà il primo volume dell’inedita raccolta di trascrizioni ad opera del violoncellista F. W. Grutzmacher. Quest’ultimo, compagno di duo di Clara Wieck, nonché primo esecutore delle principali opere dell’amico Schumann, realizzò nel tempo una nutrita serie di parafrasi della sua musica vocale, pianistica e da camera. Una collezione che non si risolve in un puro esercizio di trascrizione, ma che giunge ad esiti compositivi personali, esplorando il lato più intimo della produzione schumanniana.

Van der Aa TRANSIT Premiere @ Temporealefestival

On 12th October Emanuele Torquati will give the Italian premiere of TRANSIT (2009), a new piece for solo piano and film projection by Michel van der Aa, the Dutch composer and film-maker whose works such as the opera After Life incorporate both the theatrical and the cinematic. Transit brings together elements of his 2000 piano composition Just before with Passage, a short film he made at the New York Film Academy. The program, part of Temporeale Festival REWIND, includes Winter music by John Cage, performed with pianist Giancarlo Cardini.

Emanuele Torquati eseguirà in prima italiana l’ultimo lavoro di Michel Van der Aa per pianoforte, TRANSIT (2009) con elettronica e proiezione video, nell’ambito del Temporealefestival 2010, REWIND.
Il concerto si svolgerà nella cornice della Limonaia di Villa Strozzi martedì 12 ottobre alle 21,30 e includerà musiche di John Cage e Giancarlo Cardini a 2 pianoforti.

Bach-Busoni Goldberg Variations – Festivaletteratura 2010

Emanuele Torquati will perform the rare Busoni Concert version of Bach Goldberg Variations on next 11th September, within Festivaletteratura 2010, most prestigious Literature’s happening in Italy.
It will be the premiere of a new project, created with dramatist Luca Scarlini, which is aimed to investigate the multiple segments of this keyboard masterwork, starting from a numerous series of literary and artistic sources.
Read More

festivaletteratura-mantovaEmanuele Torquati eseguira’ la versione da concerto di Ferruccio Busoni delle Variazioni Goldberg di Bach, il prossimo 11 settembre nell’ambito del Festivaletteratura di Mantova. Il progetto, ideato assieme al drammaturgo Luca Scarlini, e’ volto a mettere in luce gli aspetti meno noti del capolavoro bachiano, partendo da una vasta selezione di fonti artistiche e letterarie.
Scarica qui il programma completo del Festivaletteratura 2010.

Čajkovskij Tale@MITO Settembremusica

foto-ciaikovskyEmanuele Torquati will be on stage at MITO Settembremusica, the largest Italian Music Festival, on next 4th September, with a program focused on Pëtr Il’ič Čajkovskij (1840-1893). The project, created with narrator Luca Scarlini, is based on Nina Berberova well known Čajkovskij’s biography and intersperses music and words with images like in an old Russian fairy tale.

READ here the complete description

Emanuele Torquati presentera’ in prima assoluta a MITO Settembremusica il progetto “Fanciullo di vetro: favola musicale di un genio bambino” . Lo spettacolo, ideato dall’attore e scrittore Luca Scarlini, prende le mosse dalla biografia Čajkovskijana di Nina Berberova e alternera’ musica e parole a immagini come in un’antica fiaba russa.

Duo Dillon-Torquati @ Hosokawa Premiere


Duo Dillon-Torquati is going to give the premiere of LIED III by Toshio Hosokawa, on next 26th June within the Summer Festival of Walton Foundation. The program will include the Transcriptions of Schumann’s Lieder made by his friend, cellist Grutzmacher, part of next CD Release for Brilliant classics with Schumann rarities. On the 27th, the Duo is performing another program, with rare works by Herzogenberg, Liszt and Janacek.


Il Duo Dillon-Torquati, invitato al Festival estivo della Fondazione Walton, eseguira’ in prima assoluta LIED III di Toshio Hosokawa il prossimo 26 giugno. Il programma includera’ le Trascrizioni d’epoca dei Lieder di Schumann creata da F. W. Grutzmacher, cellista compagno di Duo di Clara Wieck. Questa rarita’ del repertorio cameristico fara’ parte della prossima pubblicazione del CD per l’etichetta Brilliant, assieme ad altre Trascrizioni di opere pianistiche e delle Sonate per violino. Il 27 giugno, il secondo programma eseguito dal Duo comprendera’ invece le rare Leggende op. 62 di Herzogenberg, le Due Elegie di Liszt e Pohadka di Leos Janacek.

End of Time @ Villa Romana

Emanuele Torquati will be on stage next 30th April at Villa Romana, with the project END OF TIME. He’ll perform in Trio with cellist Francesco Dillon and violinist Aldo Campagnari (Prometeo SQ), together with the extraordinary presence of narrator Luca Scarlini. Music by Olivier Messiaen, Franz Schubert, Beat Furrer, Alvin Lucier and a brand new piece by Lithuanian composer Juste Janulyte.


“Time and its end” or better its expansion and extension in musical and expressive terms. Explored in various ways, from Olivier Messiaen’s apolitical “Quatuor pour la fin du temps” (1941) to Justė Janulytė’s world premiere Trio, passing through heavenly Schubertian lengths and the seeming immobility of American Alvin Lucier. The psalmody of slow melodies interrupted and accompanied by multiple electronic layers and not, like in Justė Janulytė “Psalms” for cello and electronics and Beat Furrer’s first piece for the piano, a hymn to silence and the (almost) inaudible music of a frozen, rarefied landscape.”

Emanuele Torquati sara’ di scena il prossimo 30 aprile a Villa Romana, storica residenza di artisti fondata nel 1905 da Max Klinger a Firenze, con il progetto END OF TIME. L’evento (ore 21,15 – ingresso libero), sponsorizzato dalla Ernst von Siemens Musikstiftung, prevede la partecipazione del drammaturgo Luca Scarlini, del violoncellista Francesco Dillon e del violinista Aldo Campagnari, entrambi membri del Quartetto Prometeo. In programma musiche di Olivier Messiaen, Franz Schubert, Beat Furrer, Alvin Lucier e il nuovo Trio della pluripremiata compositrice lituana Juste Janulyte.

Chamber Music@Heidelberg Spring Festival

Emanuele Torquati has been invited at the Heidelberg Spring Festival, for the 2010 edition of Heidelberg Atelier (26th-28th March), directed by composer and conductor Matthias Pintscher. During the 3 days are scheduled performances of chamber works by Robert Schumann, Alban Berg, Matthias Pintscher and Magnus Lindberg, composer in residence. More, 3 new works written by selected composers, Lauri Supponen, Christoph Breidler and Benjamin Scheuer will be presented.

Emanuele Torquati
prendera’ parte all’edizione 2010 dell’Heidelberg Atelier (26-28 marzo), diretto dal compositore e direttore d’orchestra Matthias Pintscher. Nel corso di 3 giorni di concerti e workshop verranno presentate opere cameristiche di Schumann, Berg, Pintscher e Magnus Lindberg, compositore in residenza presso l’Heidelberg Spring Festival. Inoltre, verranno presentati in prima assoluta 3 nuovi lavori dei compositori selezionati, il finlandese Supponen, ed i tedeschi Breidler e Scheuer.